As backstop backfires, Irexit surefire way to prevent  a hard border

As backstop backfires, Irexit surefire way to prevent  a hard border

Irexit Freedom to Prosper Press Release 24th Jan 2019

Hermann Kelly of Irexit Freedom to Prosper Party said tonight:

“It has come out in the last week that in the case of a WTO Brexit, that the EU will seek to impose a hard border in Ireland. So much for solidarity with Ireland as Leo Varadkar has bogged his arm in on the backstop, to watch it backfire badly.

In the case of a WTO or No Deal Brexit there are only 2 ways to prevent a hard border on our island-

The first is Ireland leaves the EU’s Customs Union and is free to make a trade deal with Britain and other countries around the globe. This has the benefit of Ireland once again becoming a sovereign independent state free of EU supremacy.

The second, is the use of smart technology facilitating a frictionless border. Indeed it is outlined in a paper commissioned by the European Parliament in 2017. However this has the downside of keeping Ireland tied inside the EU. And for that ‘privilege’ we will continue to pay into the EU budget and allow the EU to impose many laws upon us, many against our interests, and made by people we did not elect. Not a great deal. “

Europhile Fine Gael Senator Neale Richmond Appears to Be Suffering from Stockholm Syndrome

Europhile Fine Gael Senator Neale Richmond Appears to Be Suffering from Stockholm Syndrome

Responding to FG Senator Neale Richmond’s call for EU citizens to have votes in Dáil Éireann elections Irexit Freedom spokesman Hermann Kelly said :

In a Press Release issued by the Irexit Freedom Party, Spokesman Herman Kelly rebuked Senator Neale: “Not happy that we are currently paying people in Brussels we didn’t elect to make vast swathes of EU law applicable in Ireland, the senator now wants EU citizens to have the right to vote in Dáil Éireann elections.

This is a clear attempt to undermine even further our national democracy and deconstruct the nation state.

It is also outrageously hypocritical given that people in the last referendum were complaining about possible foreign interference influencing the 8th Amendment vote. Now he is asking that they have a direct vote in our elections. This is outrageous.

Perhaps Senator Richmond, as a former employee of the federalist fanatic ‘European Movement’ still takes his ideas from there rather than thinking of the best interests of the Irish people and their national democracy… or what remains of it.”

Irexit Freedom to Prosper Party Launch

Irexit Freedom to Prosper Party Launch

A NEW PARTY is holding a conference in Dublin today where it will host a discussion on the possible benefits there would be for Ireland if it left the EU.

A meeting will be held this afternoon at the Bonnington Hotel; a ticket sourcing website said that over 50 tickets to the event were on offer.

Among the speakers at the event is Former Irish ambassador Ray Bassett. Ahead of the event, Bassett told that although he wasn’t involved in establishing the party, that Ireland “badly needed more debate” about its EU membership.

He said that the Irish border is the main problem for Ireland and would cause huge problems if it were to come to fruition.

He said that people aren’t taking the likelihood of a border reappearing on the island of Ireland seriously.

“The Polish Foreign Minister said that it could come down to a crunch between a no-deal Brexit and the Irish border, and I’m not so sure what will win out.