Comparison Of Death Figures Between 2020 and 2021

Attached is a pdf of an extraction I have made from all of the death notices published in for the months of November and December giving a comparison between the figures between 2020 and 2021. This consists of five pages with figures for two-day intervals together with accompanying graphs.

These are “all notices” so do not translate directly to death numbers, as some notices for individuals will appear more than once. However, as the proportion of “double notices” is unlikely to vary from year to year the proportionate increase in notices should correspond reasonably accurately to an increase in total all-cause deaths in the country during that period. Read More

Assert Your Freedoms Rally

The Irish Freedom Party will be holding a rally this November the 28th (starts at 2pm) in order to make a stand against the contentious lockdown and attempt to remove our rights as  laid out in the Constition.


Customs House Quay, Dublin.

Saturday 28th November 2pm.

Speakers include Hermann Kelly, Prof Dolores Cahill, Michael Leahy, Ben Gilroy, Kevin Sharkey and others.


Of Speech.
To work and travel.
To honour Christmas with family.