David O'Shea
David O’Shea

David O’Shea

Meath - West
Meath County Council
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My name is David O’ Shea. I have decided to run in the local elections in the Navan Urban Local Electoral Area for the Irish Freedom Party. I am a father of one. I moved to Navan six years ago after a decade of living with Germany. I had 25 years experience in hotel, restaurant and hospitality management before moving into the logistics sector at the start of Covid.

Having lived through the mass immigration crisis inflicted on Germany by Angela Merkel’s government, I am devastated to see these mistakes being repeated in Ireland almost a decade later.

I have decided to run in these elections because I believe that if we do not take back control of our communities at a local level, we will lose the Ireland in which many of us grew up in.

If elected to Meath County Council, my priorities are:


  • To improve accessibility. The N2 bottleneck at Kilmoon cross causes major delays every morning and evening to local commuters. This needs to be addressed at council level.


  • A fair and transparent housing list where people are kept in the loop regarding their wait time and likelihood of getting a home.


  • Extra funding for after-school programs to help working parents.


  • I will oppose any attempt to introduce congestion charges or more tolled roads in Meath.


  • Introduction of more dog wardens to stop dog fouling, which is a health risk to wheelchair users, cyclists and children.


  • To exert as much pressure as possible on the central government into reopening the Navan train line.


  • Promotion of Navan and the greater Meath area for tourism and cultural events. 


  • Purchase or use of council land near Navan for allotments. Which the public can lease by the year to grow fruits,vegetables and flowers for a greener and more sustainable Meath.


  • To work with all stakeholders in regard to management, unions and staff to ensure the long term viability of Tara Mines


  • I will exhaust every avenue and cross party cooperation in returning all services to Navan General hospital. This is a literal lifeline for the people of Meath