Cait Ni Dhonnchadha
Cáit Ní Dhonnchadha

Cáit Ní Dhonnchadha

Westmeath County Council

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Cáit is the Secretary of the Irish Freedom Party Westmeath Cumann. Cáit has studied and worked in Science at 3rd level and holds two  Masters Degrees.  She joined the party in 2022 as she was deeply affected by the shocking instances of violence against women in our country and attempts by the media to play down any links between migration and crime. She feels strongly about the neglect our government shows towards the elderly and people with additional needs, given the resources that have been made available in recent years for temporary and emergency asylum seekers.

Cáit recognises that our EU membership has ultimately become a bad thing for Irish sovereignty and independence and is the root cause of most, if not all of our social and economic challenges the country faces.

Some issues Cáit would like to see addressed at local level include:

1)      Highlighting the need for more supports for nursing and care homes

2)      Review of traffic system in Athlone and additional flood defences

3)      Supports for drug addiction and mental health services

4)      Supports for homeless charities

5)      Local concerns around mass immigration and impact on local services

6)      Additional Garda Resources to combat the growing crime rates in the area

At national level Cáit supports the parties’ efforts to ensure safe spaces for women in areas such as sport and recreation. She feels strongly about issues around illegal migration and impact on the safety of women.