Rally Against Hate Speech Bill

Kildare Street, Dublin
02:30 PM -
Begins in 10 Sep 2022

    The Irish Freedom Party are holding a free speech rally this Saturday, September 10th at 2.30pm. It will take place outside Leinster House on Kildare street in Dublin city. We urge you and friends to come out on the day. Free expression is the basis of a free society. New laws expected to come into effect later in the year represent the biggest attack on free speech since the foundation of the state. The Irish Freedom Party are at the forefront of defending free speech in Ireland so we ask our members to make a special effort to come out on Saturday. We encourage you to bring Irish flags to give the event some patriotic colour.LIST OF CONFIRMED SPEAKERS:PARTY PRESIDENT HERMANN KELLYPARTY CHAIRMAN MICHAEL LEAHYDR VINCENT CARROLLMALACHY STEENSON